건널 수 있을까? Ko toku piki? Can I pass?

하나처럼 보이는 화면은 두개의 프로젝터로 나뉘어 스크리닝 된다.
화면  사람들은  화면을 경계가 없는  움직인다.
하지만관객들의 그림자는 양쪽을 넘나들지 못하고각각의 화면에서만 움직이게 된다.
 모습은 각각의  안에서 자신만이 옳고타인은 그르다고혹은  낮은 존재라고 생각하는 우리들의 모습일 수도 있다

The screens, which look like one, are actually two divided screens. The actors, on the screen, freely cross both screens. It looks like there is no border. However, shadows of viewers cannot cross the border, while moving within each screen. This installation images could represent us who are divided two and not mingle together: right wing or left wing: blue color or white color: old or young generation.

Installation View @ Iyoung Museum, Yongin, Korea, 2015

'건널 있을까? Ko toku piki? Can I pass?'2 channel video installation,3’47”, 2014