Memorized Movements installation view @TOKAS

전시는 개인들이 기억하는 그리고 그들의 몸에 각인이 체조의 몸짓들을 보여주는 형식으로 진행되었다. 전체 전시는 영상작업 ‘Brave New Exercise: Memorized Movement’ 전체의 분위기를 구성하고, 아카이빙 자료들을 드로잉으로 재해석해서 체조의 열의 모양으로 설치한 ‘Memories of Brave New Exercise_part2’ 한국, 대만, 일본에서 수집한 인터뷰와 파운드 푸티지를 조합하여 만든 영상 ‘IN’으로 구성되었다.

The main concept of this exhibition is that shows memorized movements on individuals’ bodies. Video workBrave New Exercise: Memorized Movement' shows memorized movements on bodies, as well as, it creates an atmosphere of space. And there are drawing installation, based on archiving about group calisthenics in Asia and Europe. At the opposite of the ‘Brave New Exercise: Memorized Movement’, there are video work ‘IN’ which are composed with an interview about their memories about national gymnastics in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan and found footage from the internet.

Brave New Exercise: Memorized Movements installation view @ Tokyo Art and Space hongo, Tokyo, Japan, 2017
© Tokyo Arts and Space  Photo by TAKAHASHI Kenji

Brave New Exercise: Memorized Movements installation view @ Tokyo Art and Space hongo, Tokyo, Japan, 2017
© Tokyo Arts and Space  Photo by TAKAHASHI Kenji